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Adopt a Classroom

We offer you a platform where you get the opportunity to adopt a classroom, and get involved directly in children’s education.

Become a Teacher
Millions of children around the world are deprived of quality education. Join us and educate someone in your free time. Become a teacher with us.

If you have any interesting educational content for children or just a fun video related to a specific subject, contribute here.

Instruction strategies
All of us teachers know that, from one year to the next, teaching the same subject and the same grade is a vastly different experience. What we did for one group of students may not work for another group, or even the same group, a second time. Teaching well therefore requires constant innovation, presence of mind, and an exceptional ability to learn. And teachers do this all the time, every class. But imagine how much other teachers would benefit if you shared your tips and tricks, and your stories of success with other teachers.
Through this forum we bring together the entire teaching community in discussing, fine-tuning, and improving the project of teaching children.
Use this platform to discuss various pedagogical resources and the efficacy of a variety of teaching methods and materials.
This service is essentially about mobilizing resources. We have people from diverse backgrounds and expertise teaching students from a wide range of locations. The discussions generated by the experiences of all the teachers will begin to give us a better understanding of what works and what does not, what materials and methods are more effective, how to teach the various subjects to students of certain age groups or of specific background, and so on.
Each significant thread of discussion is condensed into a short lesson on teaching that specific subject and added to our wiki, making it convenient for you and others search for previous discussions based on topic, contributors, etc.